EMG Workshop 2018

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29th - 30th November


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8.30am – 5.00pm


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The Economic Measurement Initiative of the Centre for Applied Economic Research is hosting its 18th annual international workshop, supported by the UNSW Business School, the School of Economics and the Australian Research Council.

View program

  • Topics covered:

    • Scanner Data in the CPI: The Imputation CCDI Index Revisited
    • Decomposition of Multilateral Price Indexes into the Contributions of Individual Commodities
    • Quality Adjustment and Hedonics: An Attempt at a Unified Approach
    • City-Based Measures of Underlying Inflation
    • Productivity Measurement, R&D Assets and Mark-ups in OECD Countries
    • Industry Level Value Added and Productivity Decompositions
    • State Level Value Added and Productivity Decompositions
    • Divisia and Frisch are Friends
    • Does External Monitoring Improve the Performance of State-Owned Enterprises?
    • The Financial Lifecycle of Businesses
    • Firming-Up Productivity in Australia
    • Holding Productivity Accountable: The role of business dynamics in productivity growth
    • MFP Estimation Using Australian Firm-Level Data
    • Impact of Innovation on Business Performance and Productivity Dispersion: The Case of Small Food Industry Businesses in Australia
    • Hedonic Estimation of Australian Farmland Values
    • A Comparative Study of Australian Agricultural Household Financial Positions: Are agricultural households disadvantaged?”
    • India’s Groundwater Crisis:  When Science meets Policy

Event details

Thursday 29 November: 8.30 – 5.00pm
Friday 30 November: 8.30 – 5.00pm


Michael Hintze Theatre LG03
Tyree Energy Technologies Building (Map ref: H6)
UNSW Main Campus

  • Jan de Haan (Statistics Netherlands)
  • Michael Webster(Australian Bureau of Statistics)
  • Erwin Diewert (University of British Columbia and UNSW)
  • Tom Rosewall(Reserve Bank of Australia)
  • Paul Schreyer (OECD)
  • Shipei Zeng(UNSW)
  • Stephanie Parsons (UNSW / RBA)
  • Ken Clements(University of Western Australia)
  • Shengyu Li(UNSW)
  • David Hansell (Australian Treasury)
  • Gianni LaCava(Reserve Bank of Australia)
  • Calvin He (Reserve Bank of Australia)
  • Kevin Fox(UNSW)
  • Franklin Soriano (University of New England)
  • Khanh Hoang(ANU and ABS)
  • Will Chamberlain(ABARES)
  • Quentin Grafton (ANU)


Papers and presentations
