EMG Workshop 2020

Centre for Applied Economic Research

27th November 2020


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8.50am - 1.00pm


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Online event via zoom



The Economic Measurement Initiative of the Centre for Applied Economic Research is hosting its 20th annual international workshop, supported by the UNSW Business School, the School of Economics and the Australian Research Council.

The aim of the workshop is to create a genuine engagement between academics, statistical agencies researchers, government policy makers and industry representatives from all around the world, leading to an improved understanding of economic measurement and the potential impact on policy.

Topics covered:

  • Adjusting to Import Competition in the UK: Pay cuts, polarization and populism?
  • The Surprising Hybrid Pedigree of Measures of Diversity and Economic Concentration
  • Advertising, Markups and the Digital Economy
  • A Taxonomy of Digital Intensity and Firm Performance
  • Does Measurement of Digital Activities Explain the Productivity Slowdown? The Case for Australia
  • The Scarring Effects of Downturns on Young Workers

Event details


  • Rebecca Riley (UK National Institute of Economic and Social Research & CFM)
  • Paolo Adajar and Ernst Berndt (MIT) 
  • Erwin Diewert (UBC & UNSW)
  • Ian Moran (Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources)
  • Derek Burnell (Australian Bureau of Statistics)
  • Jonathan Hambur (Australian Treasury)


Rebecca Riley (UK National Institute of Economic and Social Research & CFM)
“Adjusting to Import Competition in the UK: Pay cuts, polarization and populism?”

Paolo Adajar and Ernst Berndt (MIT) 
“The Surprising Hybrid Pedigree of Measures of Diversity and Economic Concentration”

Erwin Diewert (UBC & UNSW)
“Advertising, Markups and the Digital Economy”

Derek Burnell (Australian Bureau of Statistics)
"Does Measurement of Digital Activities Explain the Productivity Slowdown? The Case for Australia” 

Jonathan Hambur (Australian Treasury)
“The Scarring Effects of Downturns on Young Workers”
